UKS "Serbinów" Biała Podlaska Mistrzami Województwa Lubelskiego Młodzików
An extraordinary youth meeting took place on 15th September at the World Youth Day Stop at Janów Podlaski. At 7pm the parish of the Holy Trinity became a meeting place for youth who are already preparing themselves spiritually to the grand event that is the Biała Podlaska Stop in July 2016.
During this meeting leaders of World Youth Day - Agata Widłak and Damian Trzpil announced newcomers to the latest news concerning the event and encouraged them to actively contribute in co-organization of the Biała Podlaska Stop. After 8pm the church trembled to its foundations with heavy playing of evangelical band in the musical concert titled "Nie śpijcie Nie !" Don’t Sleep Don’t.
The concert had been greatly enriched by the lecture titled "Ja patrzę na niego a on patrzy na mnie", told by the priest, Sławomir Arseniuk. The next plan meeting concerning the Biała Podlaska Stop for the World Youth Day will take place in our town on 23rd of October at 7pm in Saint Anna’s parish, Biała Podlaska.