Kursy języka polskiego – to droga do integracji. Między innymi tak ELEOS Polska wspiera uchodźców z Ukrainy
World Youth Days will only last in the final few days of July 2016 but already there is intensified work in the preparation for this exceptional event. Biała Podlaska and the neighbouring borough councils shall take in during this time guests from various countries and just before the great finale in Cracow it will be also very eventful and interesting along the river Krzna.
‘The youth which will be arriving for the World Youth Days is invited to stay at families. They will stay at our parishioners in parishes in Biała Podlaska, Janów Podlaski and Terespol. That is why we would love to invite families to be a part of this great event, for this in turn will be a great opportunity to promote our town around the whole world,’ explains the idea father Leszek Mućka, coordinator of Biała Podlaska Stop.
The Preparations in Biała Podlaska will be full of numerous attractions and monthly meetings in parishes. Even this year leaders and organizers will reach to the Parish of the Merciful Christ (27.11) and in December there will be meetings held in each parish. This will go on up until July when, just before the Cracowian finale on 20-25 July, youth from the four corners of Europe will have fun here in Biała Podlaska thanks to the exclusively prepared attractions.
‘This was an idea from John Paul II that had been approved tremendously throughout the world and that is still growing in size and importance. There were meetings like these ones in the Philippines where there was a turnout of 4 million people. We have got a beautiful culture that we are proud of and that we could share. We wish to bring through these meetings the meaning of Divine Mercy that was so well advocated by the Pope from Poland.’ Says father Marian Danieluk.
There are 6 leaders of World Youth Day Biała Podlaska Stop and approx. 200 volunteers in Biała Podlaska. People that are interested in providing assistance can still apply, for there are still many positions to be filled in the areas of general information, music, logistic and art. It is still possible to declare your readiness to take in pilgrims. In order to do so it is necessary to contact your parish priest.
The main celebrations with the participation of Pope Francis in Cracow will take a place from 26th to 31st of July. In Biała Podlaska and the surrounding area will guest 750 pilgrims from France, Belarus, Russia, Portugal and Slovakia during the World Youth Days. Mayors from neighbouring communities will be actively taking part in coordinating the whole event in the town. The benefits for the city and region resulting from the authorities joining in with the organization of this event were pointed out by vice coordinator of the Biała Podlaska Stop.
‘The promotion of the city will happen in the easiest way through contact with people, that is why this idea lies in the meeting of a specific person. We do not have any Eiffel tower or Venetian canals here but we do have people that - I am honestly convinced - you can count on.’ - Says father Jarosław Rękawek.
The town council has provided for the needs of local organizers of World Youth Day a building next to Brzeska street. President Dariusz Stefaniuk ensures that information of the latest initiative from the council would be available on the portal bialapodlaska.pl and in the city mobile application. ‘I wish that the citizens would use their chance and show Polish hospitality. I wish also that it would be an excellent opportunity to create new friendships.’ said the President of Biała Podlaska.
Timetable of preparatory meeting for WYD:
1). 23.10.2015 - par. Saint Anne
2). 27.11.2015 - par. Merciful Christ
3). December - Everybody in their parish.
Please do send any photographs on the following address: swiatowednimlodziezybp@gmail.com
4). 22.01.2016 - Parish of the Church of the Holy Nativity
5). 12.02.2016 – parish of Ascension of Mother of God
6). 20.03.2016 - the march of the passion of Christ from the parish of the Merciful Christ to the parish of the Ascension of Our Lady the mother of God.
7). 22.04 2016 – parish of the Blessed Honorat
8). 20.05.2016 – parish of the Michael Archangel
9). 17.06.2016 – parish of the Merciful Christ