This time they had stopped at the parish on Brzeska street
In the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Biała Podlaska took place the next of a series of  meetings concerning the World Youth Days - Biała Stop. As always people had shown their support towards the idea, it was loud, joyful and packed. There were over 300 people at the meeting. The special guest was the parish priest of Kostomłoty.

Every gathered at the parish welcomed the parish priest, Marian Daniluk warmly. Next the whole congregation rose to sing the WYD anthemn "Błogosławieni Miłosierni" (Blessed thy Merciful). There were also announcements about WYD by its regional leaders, for example the last volunteer meeting which was a turnout of 160 people. They also announced about the division of specific organizational sectors WYD volunteer work: logistic, territorial, musical, theatrical, linguistic, medical and dance.

The participants also found out how to sign up for the trip to Cracow in July as well as the date of the next meeting of the Biała Stop which is 12th of February. In addition, it was announced the realization of a great project of the Mystery of Jesus’ Death which will be presented on 20th of March.

On this meeting at the parish on Brzeska street, the words spoken by father Zbigniew Nikoniuk – the parish priest of the Saint Nikita's Church in Kostomłoty, who grabbed the awareness and curiosity of the youth gathered at the conference "Młodzi obrońcy wiary" (the Youth the Defenders of the Faith). This meeting could not be complete without a joint admiration "Ja, Ty, On- Jedno" (Me, You, He- One), after a joint pray and song, they all received a delicious meal.

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