Kursy języka polskiego – to droga do integracji. Między innymi tak ELEOS Polska wspiera uchodźców z Ukrainy
On Friday 27th November there will take place the next concert in a whole line of event concerning the World Youth Day Biała Podlaska Stop. This meeting is part of the great countdown to the World Youth Days next year in Cracow. This time the local organizers of will meet at the parish of the Merciful Christ.
The Concert will start at 7pm and will last till 9.30pm. A Special guest of this event shall be Krzysztof Wiecha - disabled traveller and mountaineer. In the program we will also see a pantomime titled "Gestem do serca" as well as a spectacle of the fire theatre.
In the local sanctuary we shall not run out of great music. There will be the World Youth Day Band as well as Different that will perform for you. Organizers announce that there will be "spicy" meals and surprises.