Kursy języka polskiego – to droga do integracji. Między innymi tak ELEOS Polska wspiera uchodźców z Ukrainy
In the gym hall of Stanisław Staszic 6th form college (IV LO) in Biała Podlaska took a place religious concert to prepare those for the World Youth Days.
The World Youth Days is an international meeting event with youth from all over the world that together with their catechists, priests, bishops and their Pope gathered together in one place to praise the Lord Jesus Christ.
After death of the Pope John Paul II, the continuation of this beautiful dialogue between the church and the youth as well as the great advocate of World Youth Days became Pope Benedict XVI, who chaired the next meetings in Cologne (2005), Sydney (2008) and Madrid (2011). Thanks to the mission of Pope Benedict XVI, Christ has been all the time proclaimed and adored by the youth from the whole world and the church could observe its young and their joyful faces which is so needed in this current world.
In July of 2013 (Rio de Janeiro) Pope Francis met with the youth. He has also proclaimed that the next youth meeting will take a place in Cracow 2016 in Poland.
Some of the pilgrims will be hosted in Biała Podlaska and in the diocese in Siedlce.